A música a seguir, cuja letra provém da mente atormentada de um assassino em série, foi composta por dois carniceiros insanos em um domingo obscuro e nebuloso. Killer's Run é um Doom Metal lento e pesado feito com um violão velho, uma garganta angustiada e influências satânicas. Tudo isso gravado com um mísero aparelho de celular, sem correções no áudio e sem novas tentativas de gravação. Preparem os ouvidos! \m/_ \m/_ \m/_
Desperation is taking control of me
You better run out for cover
Insanity is growing in my chest
Time to take out all the pain
Run as fast as you can, my boy
Or you’ll can never recover
Knife in hand, knife in hand
Ready to rip your flesh
There’s an ocean of blood waiting for you
You’re just about to discover
Can’t survive the devil’s surgery
Made of razor and strain
I’m coming to take out all your skin
Coming with knife in hand
So run away from the killer, little boy
Run away if you can!
You’re about to meet satan’s land
Desperation is taking control of me
You better run out for cover
Insanity is growing in my chest
Time to take out all the pain
Run as fast as you can, my boy
Or you’ll can never recover
Knife in hand, knife in hand
Ready to rip your flesh
There’s an ocean of blood waiting for you
You’re just about to discover
Can’t survive the devil’s surgery
Made of razor and strain
I’m coming to take out all your skin
Coming with knife in hand
So run away from the killer, little boy
Run away if you can!
You’re about to meet satan’s land
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